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Brisk four mile walk.
Breakfast was one and a half cup of Cheerios with almond milk.
Half a banana and half an orange.
What’ll lunch be? ….

Cuppa rice, two koftas, lettuce with ranch and two pieces of eggplant. Then drank a cup of chai tea with one cup of whole milk and two tbsp of chai mix.

Dinner will most likely be three scrambled eggs with toast + pepper.

Today I didn’t really have a spike in my mood to have me binge on stuff. My cravings, although decreased are still present. I am not negating the fact that I am a sugar addict (yes it does exist). I’m trying to slowly ween myself off rather than go cold turkey. I rather replace bad sugars with good ones then completely get rid of it. I believe that eating breakfast significantly helped me control my hunger and cravings.

Tomorrow is another day. Another day to make good choices; mentally, spiritually, and physically. As the saying goes; “Everything is hard. Waking up and not liking what you see in the mirror is hard. Exercising and eating with portion control is hard. Choose your type of hard.”….something like that. 🙂

Today’s brisk walk face;
